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Fresh Orange Apple Shake! ~ For your hot summer!

20 Apr

Oh yes it’s summer and we are feeling the sizzling heat of it! So I made a cool refreshing drink to beat up the heat!

In this recipe, we want to balance the flavor of the apple and orange so we use 3pcs of orange and 3pcs of apple.



I also added a sparkling lemon water to give it a slight lemony flavor!

Sparkling Lemon Water

and some honey to add sweetness. You can also use white sugar or syrup for alternative!


Lastly the ice cube all together into blender! The time of blending this ingredients together will depends on the consistency you want to have in your shake, mine takes about 40seconds blending it to the consistency that I want. Enjoy the summer heat! 🙂


3 pcs of Apple

3 pcs of Orange

2tbsp of Honey

70ml of Sparkling lemon water

1/2 cup of Ice cubes